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thecockneyboy 5:38 Sun Jun 11
Football Lads Alliance March
Pie n Mash Squad blog
London march to demand action against terrorists and their supporters in the UK #tottenham #millwall #chelsea #arsenal #westham #manchesterarena #londonbridge

1 day ago
On June 24th lads and lasses from all over the UK will be marching in London to demand the government starts deporting terrorists and their supporters from our country. There are 23,000 suspects in our land. They have to go.

Details of where to muster will be posted up once sorted but just get yourself to London before midday on the 24th and have your voices heard.

If nothing is done we are just sitting around waiting for the next attack.

Anyone getting involved in this??

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Lily Hammer 1:50 Wed Jun 28
Re: Football Lads Alliance March

You're seriously asking why a news editor might find this newsworthy because there was no violence?

That is precisely why it was more newsworthy, a load of West Ham, Millwall, Chelsea, Tottenham and God knows who else, all walking side by side and joining on a common cause.

I'm only guessing, but quite sure, that this was inspired by the lone 'Wall bloke who steamed into the London Bridge attakers, which was deemed newsworthy, and rightly so. This march should have been reported and linked to that.

It's a real and relevent and poignant story that has been hidden from the national conciousness.

Criminally cinical behaviour by the press.

One Word 12:20 Wed Jun 28
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
Firstly I think it is a great idea

Will this and future marches together put an end to any football Argo ?

Will be interesting if there is a tear up and then the following week everyone is together

norwich hammer 7:41 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
They have,thickcunts, thick as shit and we will at some point batter them 👍🏻

Gavros 6:39 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
it was very impressive given how quickly it was thrown together. next time i hope they choose a better day/ occasion for it to get better publicity. They absolutely have to keep away the dickheads because the left immediately will claim its all a far right thing the minute they can.

Darby_ 6:37 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
If the march wasn't aimed at Muslims then the left probably wouldn't have objected to it.

norwich hammer 6:32 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
It's the start, people have had enough so we stick together,a badge is just that a badge but we are threatened so the uprising has started, this will become huge mark my words.
The left must have forgot their lunchbox as no where and at last an opposition to them,they can only fight when they have huge numbers on their side,imagine them at the Somme,we would have lost.

El Scorchio 3:15 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
A better idea which would probably be newsworthy is if all the supporters from different clubs walked (not marched) together from central London to Wembley on the day of the community shield. (or from Wembley in the morning to central London to avoid chaos round the stadium at match time.)

I'm sure that would get some press.

Johnson 3:06 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
What has that got to do with this thread, or anything in fact Thickle?

Hammer and Pickle 8:02 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
Tell you what, the sight of the bouncers boogying to BG's "Stayin' Alive" on the BBC will have had the ISIS top brass tugging at their cords alright.

Westham67 7:04 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
mashed in maryland 11:56 Sun Jun 25

Agreed , Ive crossed over to the right on this issue , got called a Nazi yesterday on Thaivisa.com , thats a first

Humbug 6:10 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
It would be interesting to see if we all complain on the BBC points of view if the complaints would be answered?

bruuuno 12:16 Mon Jun 26
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
I don't really see the difference between the two events, both seem pointless

mashed in maryland 11:56 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
Let me put it this way, I'm sure this march yesterday sent a much stronger message of defiance to any would be ISIS martyr than a load of people holding hands and crying while singing along to Katie Perry and Justin Bieber like our countrys official response was.

The newspapers never reported it because it doesn't fit their agenda. Simple as that.

cholo 11:06 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
I understand the frustration, but I'm not sure what these marches aim to achieve. Usually marches are held to either highlight a little known problem, or to draw support for issues that divide opinion. However,.everyone is aware of terrorism and just about everyone abhors it.

GreenStreetPlayer 10:50 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
Devil you do, devil you don't.

Behaviour was impeccable, a large march against terrorists, for once football played second fiddle, but for something much more important this time.

Would of been good to have nationwide publicity, show the country football united. Seems you have to make a record nowadays if you are not on the media's agenda.

If trouble had broken out, we are all aware what the headlines would have been, right wing, racists and the like, and vilified.

Today showed a gathering was possible, but it needs careful planning to get the right exposure without turning the country against you.
It needs someone on the media right to grab hold of this if this happens again in future.

You could still see opponents trying to thwart and antagonise those on the march, but then the press will make it look like the football march started it.

To get the message over, appears you have to be two steps ahead bypassing hurdles of groups and media who are out to thwart and disrupt you.

It should not be like this and other groups have a simpler way to publicity as they are on the media's agenda.

A football match should be arranged, on TV with all the well known stars and celebrities against terrorism. From there with this foundation follow up marches from today can happen under this football banner.

May get good publicity then, even some protection though that won't be needed.

Something can be done with the right idea, with an end game.

It just beggars belief after all that has and is happening, marches like this are having to be organised.
There should not be the need for any marches, just action from the authorities to deal with this firmly and permanently.

Enough should be enough, without the people having to raise it.

Far Cough 10:39 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
Err, the whole point of this march or in fact any march is to gain attention and in light of recent extremist atrocities, this was a worthwhile march except not the fucking BBC

bruuuno 10:35 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
Surely the fact that it got no publicity is a good thing? Why is everyone obsessed with attention these days. Those that went good luck to you but don't expect anyone else to be interested

Northern Sold 10:17 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
I think the biggest news story would have been us and 'Wall getting on like a house on fire..... that should make the front page in the Sun... my how times have changed

Far Cough 10:15 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
10,000 at a football match is NOT significant, 10,000 people marching down the streets of London with a common purpose IS significant

Sven Roeder 10:09 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
8,000 is a Millwall crowd.
However important the sentiments that's not huge.
Or fucking huge.

Am happy to hear what you wanted the BBC to show in their report though.
Lets say 3 minutes worth.

Far Cough 10:05 Sun Jun 25
Re: Football Lads Alliance March
I don't mind them reporting the end of Eid, which is SOMEWHAT significant but to ignore a peaceful march of over 10,000 people against extremism is far more significant

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